1,367 articles on "customer"

10 Tips To Build, Manage And Profit From An E-Commerce Website

10 Tips To Build, Manage And Profit From An E-Commerce Website by: Vinai Prakash Just because you've built your e-commerce website doesn't mean the customers will begin to come. You need to bring in the visitors, showcase your products...

Business And Finance  business finance customer customers products site
Customer Service Is Dying- and I'm Not Feeling So Good Myself

Customer Service Is Dying- and I'm Not Feeling So Good Myself by: Garrison Wynn Have you ever called a company and been greeted with the phrase “Hold, please”? How do they know you can hold? They don’t even know who you are. Maybe you...

Business And Finance  business finance customer service they
Increase in Customer Sales = Increase in Customer Service

Increase in Customer Sales Increase in Customer Service by: Maida M. Barrientos One of the most popular questions asked in online business forums or even by my customers and subscribers is this : “How the hell can I increase my sales?” or ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet customer service
Feature Your Benefits

ure Your Benefits by: Janice D. Byer, MVA Sales Copy… eventually every small business owner must consider what needs to be included in order to produce a successful advertisement or piece of marketing material. You begin with a fancy graphic, ...

Marketing  marketing product customer they
Along Came a Spider (Part Three) There's More To Online Success Than Search Engine Rankings

Along Came a Spider (Part Three) There's More To Online Success Than Search Engine Rankings by: Julia Hyde In the last two articles in the Along Came a Spider series,I've talked about the difference between search engines and directori...

Online Business  online business customer service
How to Start and Suceed with a Home Business

How to Start and Suceed with a Home BusinessKnow matter who you are, remember everyone starts fromground zero as far as experience is concerned. Building a homebusiness is no different. One will have to lay the foundation first of all which will cons...

Online Business  online business customer
5 Rock-Solid Methods For Increasing Your Online Income From Affiliate Programs

5 Rock-Solid Methods For Increasing Your Online Income FromAffiliate Programs"© Copyright 2003 by Mosiekk ConleyWhat you are about to read... are some my most personal andtested strategies for increasing my income from affiliateprograms.It seems...

Online Business  online business affiliate customer
You Can't Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!

Can't Just Build A Website And Hope It Works! by: Peter Simmons Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this...

Online Business  online business customers site
How To Get Your Business Online

To Get Your Business Online by: Peter Simmons This article is for all those who have asked "how do I get my business online?" or have just plain been putting it off because you dont know where to start or who can help or how much it will cost. W...

Online Business  online business customers
The 12 Most Important Lessons In Retailing

In today's fast-changing and competitive world, operating your own business is a big challenge. If you apply the following "Lessons Of Operating Your Business" you'll improve your income, results and financial success. 1. Know YourselfKnow...

Business And Finance  business finance customers make