1,367 articles on "customer"

It's Not The Traffic You Get - It's The Customers You Keep!

There are a lot of offers online, hyping the ability to deliver thousands of hits to your web site. For a price.True, the Internet is a numbers game. What these services are implying is that the more people you can expose to your message, the more sa...

Online Business  online business customer about
Which Is More Profitable 'High-Touch' Or 'High-Tech'

Connecting to your customers in the go-go world of online marketing can be difficult. The online environment has, unfortunately, earned a reputation of being cold, distant and impersonal. As a result, people feel free to click off, delete and ignore ...

Online Business  online business customer customers
Should You Invest in a Paid Web Site

One of the biggest misconceptions people have who market a product or business online is thinking thata free web site is just as good as a paid one. NOT TRUE!Free web sites are fine for fun and games and there is a definite need for them on the Inter...

Online Business  online business customers
Body Language, Five Key Ingredients

Body Language, Five Key Ingredients by: Jay Conners When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body language to send a clear ...

Marketing  marketing customer person them
The Clock is Ticking on Your Leads

The Clock is Ticking on Your Leads by: Jay Conners Every day is critical when you are in the business of sales. That lead you receive today could very easily be gone tomorrow. It is very important to act on your lead the very second you get it, ...

Marketing  marketing lead customer
7 Bits Of Critical Information You Can't Afford NOT To Know About Your Customers

7 Bits Of Critical Information You Can't Afford NOT To Know About Your Customers by: Lora J Adrianse If you think customer relationship management is just a piece of software, you're dead wrong. Customer relationship management is abou...

Business And Finance  business finance customers customer them
The Top Seven Marketing Mistakes

The Top Seven Marketing Mistakes by: Ted Nicholas In my view, nearly all government statistics about reasons for business failures are nonsense. Undercapitalization, inexperience, or poor management are usually blamed for all business disasters....

Marketing  marketing business customers customer they
Ten Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

Here's some simple yet POWERFUL ideas on how to improve your customer service. Nothing can do more for a business than having "happy customers".1. Stay in contact with customers on a regular basis. Offer them a free e-zine subscription. Ask cust...

Business And Finance  business finance customers customer mail
Web Strategy and Powerful Persuasive Writing

Web Marketing Strategy and Powerful Persuasive WritingIn today's hi-tech society, many commercial enterprises are trying to turn `bricks into clicks' but fail miserably. They make the classic mistake of assuming Internet surfers will visit ...

Business And Finance  business finance customer will
Who Says the Customer is Always Right?

Who Says the Customer is Always Right? by: Diane Hughes We all know the old adage, "The Customer is Always Right." If you are an online business owner or offline for that matter, you are on both sides of the subject almost everyday. Before I sta...

Online Business  online business customer time they