6,217 articles related to "marketing"

When to Get a Print Broker?

When to Get a Print Broker? by: Granny's Mettle Wouldn't it be nice if someone could do the job of buying printing materials and equipment for you? Instead of spending your time looking for the best deals, and afterwards haggling for t...

Marketing  marketing print broker time suppliers knows
NoInvaders.Org Proves to be "Interesting" and "Useful" in its Debut

NoInvaders.Org Proves to be "Interesting" and "Useful" in its Debut by: Jim Wood The immigration reform Web site "NoInvaders.Org" recently saw an escalation of Internet traffic on February 9, with an increase from 9 visits a day to 275 visits, a...

Marketing  marketing immigration employer illegal radio those
The Art Of Writing Powerful Classified Ads

One powerful little classified ad can make you a fortune! It will sell your product or service for months, even years, to come in any advertising venue you choose. On the other hand, a weak ad won't produce enough income to justify the time it t...

Marketing  marketing product write powerful service rules
Customer Excellence Returns to Web Site Hosting!

Customer Excellence Returns to Web Site Hosting!  by: Robin Nobles For those of you with Web sites, you probably know what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, on the Internet where your Web site resides. In ot...

Marketing  marketing hosting combustion
7 Tips for Testing Your Sales and Marketing

ps for Testing Your Sales and Marketing by: Angela WuOne marketing technique may work wonders for someone, but that doesn't guarantee that it'll do the same for you. The only way to really know what works for YOUR products and YOUR tar...

Marketing  marketing sales work autoresponder links
3 Ways to Gain and Keep Customers Using Postcards…

In today’s competitive (sometimes cutthroat) marketplace, savvy business owners need to constantly look for ways to get and, more importantly, keep their customers. When used properly postcards offer a great opportunity to do both.1.Mail systematic...

Marketing  marketing customers mail business customer prospects
High Quality Text Links!

Apart from having good content on your website you must have a substantial amount of links pointing to your site from other sites.This shows search engines that your site has relevance and importance to others. If you have links from sites with good ...

Marketing  marketing search indexed engines relevant
Getting Off the Advertising and Sales Rollercoaster

GETTING OFF THE ADVERTISING AND S/ALES ROLLERCOASTERBy Charlie CookSeeing the results of advertising your business can be likewatching a roller coaster. The day you run your ad you see aflurry of activity; your ph0ne starts ringing, your web sitetraf...

Marketing  marketing contact advertising prospects follow
Life After Press Release Distribution

A few weeks ago I was participating on an on-line message board. One of the members was a new business owner who was very excited about sending out her company's first press release. Thequestion she posted to the group was important, but also a ...

Marketing  marketing reporter release story mail will
Get Maximum Impact from News Coverage

The whole point of PR Rainmaking is to use the news media to attract new clients and customers. So doesn’t it make sense to get the most out of the publicity that you generate?Here are seven ways to do just that:1. Focus on the print media: Yes, it...

Marketing  marketing clips company articles them