6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Email Marketing Best Practices

Email Marketing Best Practices by: Brandon Milford Permission-based Email Marketing is one of the most powerful ways to build your business. As a business owner you realize the importance of staying in front of your customers and prospects. By d...

Marketing  marketing message email newsletter based
Consumer Effort and The Purchase Decision

Cusumer Effort and The Purchase DecisionDarrin F. Coe, MAcopyright 2004It is a basic tenet of behavioral psychology that people engage in behavior that takes the least effort and provide the highest payoff. If someone see’s a product as being very ...

Marketing  marketing product online purchase experience
Using a Marketing Calendar Template

Using a Marketing Calendar Template by: Nick Smith Owning a small business isn’t easy, especially if you are running it alone. Between moving products, taking orders, paying bills, and taking care of family, it is easy to lose track of everyth...

Marketing  marketing calendar target campaign
How To Get Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of FREE Publicity

The first step to getting loads of free publicity for your business is to ask yourself - what's newsworthy?What's newsworthy may depend on the particular media you are targeting. Metropolitan daily newspapers and television networks will be...

Marketing  marketing business media news publicity
Four Steps to Writing a Newsworthy Press Release

When running a business, whether it is located on Main Street in your town or online, publicity is essential. When a small business has little or no advertising budget, the best thing for the owner to do is to get people interested in your company. H...

Marketing  marketing release press company headline business editors
The Truth Must Be Told! - A Review of Magic Words That Bring You Riches

I once heard someone define advertising as being "truth well told." By this brilliant definition, Ted Nicholas is an absolute genius because he knows how to dramatize the truth in the most compelling and memorable way. He does this simply by using ch...

Marketing  marketing words magic book

Want to get your company news into the media? It'll never happen unless you start by understanding what editors and reporters want. To find out what works, I spoke to editors and reporters at top media organizations across the country. The edito...

Marketing  marketing editor send email says might
Incorporate Humor in Your Next Speech

Incorporate Humor in Your Next Speech by: Stephen D. Boyd Some speakers say, “I could never use humor in my speech; I just don’t feel comfortable with it.” I believe that anyone can use humor and that it is a valuable tool in speaking. App...

Marketing  marketing humor audience speech
The Power Of Viral Marketing

The Power Of Viral Marketing by: David Bell You certainly know by now that the term "viral marketing" is not just another dot-com cliche. Quite the contrary, it describes the incredible, unmatched power of the Web to promote your business by mar...

Marketing  marketing button link
Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 2 of 2

Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 2 of 2 by: Karon ThackstonIn part one of this article series we began looking at the Cruise Vacation Center site: a travel site whose copy was sorely lacking in emotional appeal and vis...

Marketing  marketing vacation cruise online