376 articles on "diet"

How High-Carb Diet Plans Treat Carbohydrates

How High-Carb Diet Plans Treat Carbohydrates by: Rick Trojan A number of popular diets are focused on carbohydrates. Some demonize them. Then warn you against eating any carbohydrates. Others in fact, emphasize a high carbohydrate intake. Here i...

Health  health carbohydrates calories diet weight
The Low Carb Diet Lunch

Making a decision to follow a healthy diet is a very good idea. You don't know if you should go for a low carbohydrate vegetarian diet or a high protein low carbohydrate diet but you know that you want your food to be low Carb. The lower carbohy...

Health  health diet carb lunch carbohydrate dinner body
Preventing Osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis  by: Kim Beardsmore Last month my 74-year-old mother while walking, tripped on a small tuft of grass, fell - and broke her rib! Her recovery has been painful, debilitating and at times depressing. It also affected my eld...

Health  health bones diet vitamin magnesium
Diet Programs And Meals - The Okinawa Diet

The Okinawa Diet was created by Makoto Suzuki. It is based on the nutritional habits of people who live in the Ryukyu Islands including the city of Okinawa in southern Japan. In the past these people had the longest life expectancy in the world. This...

Health  health diet foods rice okinawa menu servings
The Zone Diet Explained

The Zone Diet Explained by: Helen Laxton Developed by Barry Sears PhD, the 'Zone Diet' is the latest in a long line of attempts to get a fresh angle on weightloss, and is currently among the 5 most popular diets in the States, partly b...

Health  health diet carbs fats carbohydrates protein
Are We What We Eat?

The phrase “you are what you eat” has been around for ages and still remains as relevant today as it was when it was coined. It simply means that the food we consume ultimately goes on to define us. Our bodies are the sum total of all of the nutr...

Health  health group diet food servings need
Functional Foods: What They Are And How They Work

Functional Foods: What They Are And How They Work by: D. S. Epperson In the brain, a typical protein can live for approximately ten days. The thoughts, feelings and memories of a human being are made up of what was in the stomach only a few days...

Food And Drink  food drink foods diet chronic nutritional reduce functional
Supplements: Know More About Supplements

Supplements: Know More About Supplements by: Jasdeep Singh At times, due to your busy and fast life, we tend to miss out on the essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals which are responsible for our good health. Good nutrition ...

Health  health supplements extra nutrients diet vitamin balanced
Are You Just Filling Your Tummy?

Are You Just Filling Your Tummy? by: Susie Dieet The Proper Way to Diet The importance of a well balanced diet is very important. The goal of this article is to answer the questions you may have about a well balanced diet. A well balanced diet...

Health  health vitamins diet balanced salts mineral proteins
Dispelling The Myths About Cellulite

elling The Myths About Cellulite by: News Canada Myths and Realities Cellulite only happens to overweight women. Cellulite results from the skin losing its elasticity and firmness. This allows fluids and fat deposits into the lower layers of t...

Health  health cellulite skin eliminate dieting contouring